Game Boy Advance
Pamphlet Zine | 2020

A small run zine printed on the Riso at Flower City.

Combining the glitch imagery of Dragon Quest III (derived from my own queer RAM corruption practice) with the semi-abstracted boys bodies, wrestled ("sex is violence"), I draw the two disperate images together in conversation, the war-torn fantasy land of JRPGs with the homo-ambiguous bodies of live humans (and their physical relationships).

We have been performing these glitches online during the 2020 pandemic, but hopefully will be able to also have an AFK act in the near future, as the glitches look much better in person, live and at 60 FPS. I'd probably write something more poetic about this act, but I'm sort of drunk right now.

Contact me if you would like a print version (or PDF).

nilson carroll